Interactive exercise concept for seniors that motivates regular activity through an app and a sensor-controlled ball.


pebble titelbild



"A rolling stone gathers no moss" - physical activity is an integral part of healthy aging. However, not even one fifth of German seniors exercise sufficiently according to the recommendations. For my bachelor thesis, I took a closer look at the topic of "motivation to exercise in older age". The goal was to design a product that meets the generation-specific and physical requirements of the elderly and motivates them to engage in regular physical activity over the long term, also if they have physical limitations.

How can seniors' motivation to exercise be fostered in the long term?

User Research

To become familiar with the target group, I visited different exercise programs in senior homes and conducted interviews in the fields of medicine, nursing and physical therapy. Due to generation-specific experiences (such as a lifetime of physical labor), for many seniors, intentional exercise is not part of everyday life. Raising awareness about the role of exercise is therefore of great importance. The key findings from the interviews are:

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Ideation & Low Res Prototypes

In the first step, numerous ideas were developed and realized with simple mock-ups in order to test the usability and also the energizing character of the product, through which long-term motivation is to be created. Based on the interviews and the research, the ideation focused on the following two aspects:

1.   Independence in use
2.   Raising awareness for physical activity
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The Concept

The concept consists of an app and a sensor-controlled ball. The person is matched with another app user who has similar abilities, interests and physical activity goals. They can then take turns sending exercise challenges in an exchange. The exercises are selected in the app, explained and then carried out with the ball, which records the movements via sensors and generates feedback.

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The Station

One purpose of the station is to hold the sensor ball. If it lights up, a new exercise challenge is waiting for you. The station thus invites the user to place the ball in a clearly visible position in the living environment. Secondly, it can be used as a smartphone stand during the exercises. Thus, the exercises in the app are clearly visible both when sitting and standing.

pebble gif Benutzung pebble styleguide

Design Language

Through a low-complex form language, the ball encourages interaction. The integrated technology recedes into the background, so the product appears uncomplicated and robust; the barrier is kept to a minimum. The operation is controlled by a single button. The slightly compressed geometry prevents the ball from rolling away.

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Technical Features

The integrated sensors in the ball track the movement sequences, and these data are communicated to the user. For example, the ball can use haptic feedback to "count" how often an exercise repetition has already been performed. The data can also be synchronized with the app.

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App: Visual Design

Designed with the older target group in mind, the app is easy to use for users with little digital experience: Clear user guidance and few options make the interface easy to access. The reduced color scheme draws attention to the essentials. Thanks to generous touch areas and large fonts, the app is easy to use even with age-related disabilities.

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Exercise Request received

Both training partners take turns sending exercise challenges to each other. As soon as there is a new exercise from the training partner, a message appears in the app. An overview of all exercises is displayed. Then the first exercise is explained.

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Carry out Exercise

After successfully completing an exercise session, a message can be written to the training partner. If desired, extended information about the training session can be accessed and problems, such as physical discomfort during certain exercises, can be reported.

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Choose own Exercises

In addition to partner training, there is always the option of selecting exercises independently. You can either choose between a pre-planned training or self-compiled exercise packages.

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Navigation Structure

Via the bottom navigation, extended data such as statistics on the daily goal can be accessed via the left menu item. The training partners can be contacted via the menu item "Message".

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"pebble" enables people to stay physically active in older age - regardless of their physical limitations. Exercising with a partner keeps people motivated on the long run. The app is intuitive to use and tailored to the needs of seniors. The accompanying ball interacts with the user by lighting up and vibrating. During the workout, the ball's station becomes a smartphone holder, supporting smooth, uncomplicated use.

pebble von oben pebble von oben


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